19 research outputs found

    Optimization Info Rate Using APSK Modulation Scheme for Delivery GSM ABIS over Satellite Communications

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    Mobile operators move quickly from 2G GSM networks in urban areas to remote rural areas, which are 2G networks by offering voice connectivity. As a result, more and more technology is optimizing cellular operators that reduce and perform bandwidth efficiency that will be implemented. The optimization solution for this cellular operator produces voice communication on GSM, in a cost-effective application for satellites. This paper discusses and applies to creating GSM links via satellite communication. The ABIS interface on GSM, which is defined between the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) of GSM remote cells and the Base Station Controller (BSC), is considered here to be transferred via GSM communication with the Modulation and Coding scheme 16 APSK 5/6. The MODCOD scheme determines the efficiency of what MHz is needed to send one Mbps. The efficiency value achieved by allocating, bandwidth (MHz) generated by 1.0 Mhz is an efficiency of 3.222 [bit / baud]. And Info Data Rate is generated from the value (Mbps) of 3,175. The highest traffic intensity with the value of Traffic Volume (Hours) = 3.5, Traffic Intensity (Erlang) 0.145833333. While the lowest traffic intensity with the value of Traffic Volume (Hour) = 2.6, traffic intensity = 0.108333333 (Erlang). The value obtained on Traffic Volume and Traffic Intensity is 0.1%. Service levels are very good at grade of service, because of the small possibility of access fail. Calculation of the availability of link network availability links, using ACM 16APSK LDPC 5/6 techniques that can increase up to 100%


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    Manufacturing company is company that require high performance from everyone involved. One of which is the line managers responsible for work activities related to output or product, and oversees operational labors. Whether or not this performance is influenced by leadership style and interpersonal skill the leader of line managers. This study dicusses about different test of situasional Leadership Style on the performance of line managers with interpersonal skill as an interaction effect. The first hypothesis suggest that there is no performance difference between leadership style that fits and does not fit with condition of line managers. The result of the second hypothesis suggest that there is no performance difference between the categories of situational leadership style with the interpersonal skill as an interaction effect. Based on these results, it is expected that the company can improve the performance of line managers by not only applying situational leadership style that matches with the condition of line manager

    The Impact of Social Media on Knowledge Creation, Innovation, and Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    In the globalization era, social media is widely used by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to promote and market their products. However, there is still a limited objective of this study the effectiveness of social media in improving the business performance of SMEs. This study analyzes the effect of social media on knowledge creation, innovation, and performance in SMEs in Jabodetabek (Indonesia). This study combines online and offline methods to collect data from a sample of 384 SMEs. Data was analyzed SEM-PLS. The variables are social media, knowledge creation, innovation, and performance. The result is that social media does not havea direct impact on performance. However, social media has a significant influence on business performance, moderating knowledge creation, and innovation. Effectiveness of social media on improving business will the partner use for knowledge creation and innovation. Keywords: social media, knowledge creation, innovation, performance, SME

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani di Desa Dalangan Berdasarkan Status Kepemilikan Lahan dan Luas Lahan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan pendapatan yang diterima petani dalam satu tahun berdasarkan status kepemilikan lahan dan luas lahan di Desa Dalangan. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini 228 dan pengambilan sampel yang akan digunakan sebanyak 70 responden adapun Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Proportional Random Sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis pendapatan dan Uji Kruskal Wallis. Pengujian Kruskal Wallis digunakan untuk membandingkan dua variabel yang diukur dari sampel yang tidak sama, dimana kelompok yang diperbandingkan lebih dari dua. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pendapatan yang diterima petani dalam satu tahun berdasarkan status kepemilikan lahan. Namun tidak terdapat perbedaan pendapatan yang diterima petani dalam satu tahun berdasarkan luas lahan, hal ini memungkinkan ada faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi pendapatan petani Desa Dalangan yaitu iklim, kualitas bibit , dan tingkat produktivitas.The objective of this research is to know whether or not there is a different of farmer’s income in a year based on the ownership status of the land and the land area in Dalangan village.The data of the research is analyzed using the quantitative approach. The amount of the population in this research is 228 and the samples used are 70 respondents. This research uses Proportional Random Sampling as the sampling technique. Then, this research uses Kruskal Wallis test for data analysis. The Kruskal Wallis test is used to compare two variables measured with different samples, which variables that are compared are more than two variables. According to the results, it can be concluded that there is a different in the farmer’s income in a year based on the land ownership status.However, there is no different of the income of the farmer in a year based on the land area. This phenomenon shows that there are other factors that may influence the farmers’ income of Dalangan village such are; climate, seed quality, and the productivity

    Analysis Stego-image Extraction Using Rot13 and Least Significant Bit (Lsb) Algorithm Method on Text Security

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    Cryptography is both a science and an art to keep the message confidential. While steganography is the science and art of hiding secret messages in other messages so that the existence of such secret messages is unknowable and generally serves to disguise the existence of confidential data making it difficult to detect and protect the copyright of a product. Steganography requires two properties, namely container media and secret messages. The application of steganographic and cryptographic combination is done by Least Significant Bit (LSB) and ROT13 algorithm. Steganography with the LSB method is one of the methods used to hide messages on digital media by inserting it to the lowest bits or the most right bits of the pixel data that compile the file. In this research, the authors propose the technique of securing Steganography secret messages with layered security, by adding Cryptography to secret messages that will be inserted into digital images and then messages inserted into digital images through Steganography using LSB method

    Implementasi Program GERMAS pada Lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Margoyoso II

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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Program GERMAS yang digalakkan pemerintah meliputi kegiatan melakukan aktifitas fisik, mengonsumsi sayur dan buah, tidak merokok, tidak mengonsumsi alkohol, memeriksa kesehatan secara rutin, membersihkan lingkungan, dan menggunakan jamban. Permasalahan yang terjadi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Margoyoso II adalah tingginya jumlah lansia dan belum ada laporan tentang pelaksanaan program GERMAS pada lansia dengan baik. Meningkatnya jumlah lanjut usia akan menimbulkan masalah kesehatan jika tidak dilakukan upaya pelayanan kesehatan yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan gambaran implementasi program GERMAS pada lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Margoyoso II.Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sidomukti wilayah kerja Puskesmas Margoyoso II pada bulan Januari-Februari tahun 2021 menggunakan desain penelitian observasional yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Populasi adalah lansia di Desa Sidomukti di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Margoyoso II dengan besar sampel 43 orang. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Kriteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini adalah lansia berumur ≥ 60 tahun yang sehat dan kooperatif, serta bersedia menjadi responden. Kriteria eksklusinya adalah lansia yang mengisi kuesioner tidak lengkap. Hasil: Mayoritas responden sebesar 51,2% sudah cukup baik dalam melakukan aktifitas fisik, 79,1% sudah baik dalam mengonsumsi sayur dan buah, 55,8 %  sudah cukup baik dalam kegiatan memeriksakan kesehatan rutin. 86% tidak merokok, 95,3% tidak mengonsumsi alkohol, 100% telah rutin membersihkan lingkungan, dan 97,7% sudah menggunakan jamban,Kesimpulan: Implementasi Program GERMAS pada lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Margoyoso II sudah berjalan dengan baik

    Dinamika Persepsi dan Toleransi Penggemar Boys Love Terhadap Homoseksualitas (The Dynamics of Perceptions and Tolerance of Boys Love Fans Towards Homosexuality)

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    Boys Love merupakan salah satu genre yang tengah disukai oleh beberapa masyarakat di Indonesia. Individu yang menyukai Boys Love disebut sebagai penggemar Boys Love. Kehadiran Boys Love yang berhubungan dengan Homoseksual menjadi suatu problema yang menimbulkan pro kontra. Tetapi ternyata Boys Love berpengaruh pada perubahan persespsi dan toleransi individu terhadap Homoseksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali proses terbentuknya persepsi pada penggemar Boys Love dalam memaknai dan toleransinya terhadap Homoseksualitas di Indonesia. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah dua orang yang merupakan penggemar Boys Love yang pernah atau masih menjalani hubungan romantis dengan lawan jenis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain penelitian sosial konstruk dan menggunakan metode wawancara semi terstruktur. Teknik Analisis Data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah telah terjadi perubahan persepsi serta toleransi yang dipengaruhi oleh Boys Love. Beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi seperti agama, sosial dan budaya, norma sosial, serta lingkungan tempat individu bertumbuh. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini mampu menginterpretasikan mengenai Homoseksual sehingga terjadi pengalaman toleransi yang baik